My 2023 in LJ

Dec 31, 2023 11:53

My blog statistics for 2023

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So I averaged a bit over once a week writing here, which is a little abysmal, but not completely awful.  Considering I averaged about twice a week on the creative writing blog I guess three times a week isn't too bad, right?  I got pretty inconsistent the last couple months, but I'm blaming most of that being focus on book-writing and the guilt spiral of "I haven't written in forever, I need to write something, but there's too much, and I haven't written, and I haven't read anyone's posts, and I feel awful" repeat.

I'm going to try to do better this year keeping up.  I think part of the strategy just needs to be poking at my friends list daily and not feeling guilty if I miss something and then sit on a months' worth of back entries because that is really not productive.

I'll do my usual New Year's reflection and resolutions, just not right now.


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