Träume mit Spielen

Jul 12, 2023 05:13

Dream, it wasn't consistent and kind of morphed. Three people trying to blend in. One, a young guy, had gotten into some sort of trouble and was trying to run away from it. They were moving through a crowd on stairs, some sort of checkpoint. He went through a face scan and was nervous. He had the beginnings of a beard coming in, light brown skin, dark hair, square, but rounded face. His two companions, I think another young man and a woman, noticed he was nervous and waiting for the results of the scan and ended up grabbing him, not waiting for what they were sure would be a negative result for all of them and buggered off.

I think it was the same crew, got into a high school type place. The teacher was trying to get them all engaged in doing something physical. Invented or introduced them to a game, but tried it in too-small an area so he took them outside to a field. The young man had a little trouble finding his shoulder bag, a blue deal like I had in High School, but eventually found it in the pile. A young woman tried to glom onto him, but he wasn't interested, he was just trying to keep his head down and out of trouble.

They get to the field and the dream ahifts again. I think I ended up in Sray's head and I'm not entirely sure who the other guy was, the feel of it kept shifting and while visually it seemed they were in human form playing this game it very much felt like they were in a Klamon form.

Sray and the guy are the only ones that really ended up playing the game. They were in a mostly dirt turnout (I say that because there were random piles of manure) and the game was played by snatching a bit of grass or other plant and taking it to a set spot pretty much in the middle of the turnout. If you got your piece there it was then the other person's turn to grass snatch and then try to get it to the pile.

This is where the dream got pretty physical. As I said, they looked to be in human form, but the way they were moving suggested they were not, they were pretty much on all fours the whole time. I could feel Sray's limbs working, pushing into the ground to do a quick direction change, shouldering into her opponent, trying to snatch a bit of grass and out maneuver the young man.

I don't recall who won.

The dream shifted again, the trio were walking through a city, they ran into a group of teens that tried selling them some books. They were speaking German, I was translating/talking with them. They had a German-Hebrew dictionary, a German dictionary, and I can't remember what the third one was, it was tiny and I thought it was one of those little pocket New Testaments at first, but I can't say for sure.

Probably the most complex dream I've had for a while. Got a bit out of habit writing them down, but I'm probably due for a series of real ringers now that I've recorded this one.


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