Ich male gern

Jul 16, 2022 21:09

Finished Kallah! Pretty pleased with it. I probably could have pushed it a bit darker. She's supposed to be almost melanistic, but I tend to chicken out with real media. I did also get a template for Klamon markings and colors done and I need to work through various characters with that. Kallah, Simmeh, Rothan, Meilah, and Teigan are the ones I have some idea on. I need to do one for half forms so I can map out Sray, Kallon, Janef, and Yurrein.

Got going on another ArtFight piece. I paint at the kitchen table most of the time. Maybe some day I'll get back to purposeful studio art and return to my pastels. Maybe this year!

And then I went and finished it. I'll scan it tomorrow. I might be having too much fun with these. Four finished pieces in 16 days isn't bad at all (three for Art Fight!). We'll see if I get anything in return.

artfight, art, watercolor, lemyes

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