Ein bisschen Schreiben

Nov 24, 2021 08:08

I've been keeping up the 400+ words per day pretty well, sometimes doubling it. I had one day where I barely eeked out 350, but still not bad. Some days have been easier than others, like this morning this scene was rolling around in my head. Of course it isn't in book one because why would my brain want to be useful and let me focus all these words on the book I want to finish first? I had a multi-day tangent into books two and three, this one happens to occur over 100 years before Fire Forged Key (book one) starts.

Small bit of context: Kirrei and Kallah are both Brehtsoln Klamon. Klamon are capable of manipulating energy, in the case of the Brehtsoln it is electricity. Klamon are also marsupials, vaguely resembling sugar gliders in their natural form and have the ability to take on a Human and anthropomorphic form.

I don't know if Kirrei and Kallah are siblings or lovers, but you don't mess with Brehtsoln Klamon. Possible trigger warning: death of a loved one.

Kallah had stepped outside, just for a moment. Kirrei had finally settled into sleep and Kallah needed some quiet outside to process the last few days. For the first time in months Kallah felt hopeful for the future. She wasn't quite a mile away from home and had started to arch back when she heard the first whistle. Her large ears trained on the noise, it was moving fast, whatever it was. Then another, and another, by the time it registered what it could be it was too late.

The world exploded around her, she tried to run back home, but at some point she was knocked down and when she came to the air was thick with dust and the sounds were no longer whistles and explosions, but wails and sobs.

Kirrei, she had to get to Kirrei. "KIRREI!" Kallah screamed as she struggled to her feet. Everything hurt, her head was bleeding, but she had to find Kirrei. She staggered around the rubble that was strewn across the street and paused to put her hand against a wall that was just half standing. She coughed the dust out of her lungs and blinked her stinging eyes before looking up to try to find something familiar to guide her home.

It felt like hours as Kallah half staggered half ran home, calling Kirrei's name as she went. There were other names being called, she'd help after she found Kirrei. Kallah had to know Kirrei was safe before she did anything else.

The house was in ruins, splintered wood and stone lay everywhere. She was frozen for a moment before she lept onto the pile, digging frantically. "Kirrrei! Can you hear me? Kirrei!" Kallah couldn't feel her. The power was out so there was no background current to distract her senses. No, no, no, she had to find Kirrei. After all this she had to be okay.

Finally something was visible, a hand, Kallah dug harder, her fingers full of splinters and knuckles scraped from the rough edges of debris. "Kirrei! Can you hear me? I'm getting you out, hang on." Kirrei was curled up, hands over her head.

Kallah knew, but she couldn't accept it. She finally touched Kirrei, nothing. No breath, no warmth, no impossibly small pulses of electric life coursing through her nerves. She touched Kirrei's belly where the lumpy bulge of her pouch lay still as well. The joey too. Desperately she tried to revive them, sending electric pulses into Kirrei. One, two, three times. After four attempts Kallah gave up, she was too late. She lifted Kirrei onto her lap and wrapped her arms around them both.

Kirrei's disappearance nearly a year ago had been bad enough, but this? This days after they were reunited? Kallah's hair stood on end as the charge gathered, sorrow and pain turned to rage and culminated in a earth-shaking BOOM as Kallah released what she had left in a final lightning-bolt charge. The sound was the only thing that could drown out her wail of agony and despair as she mourned the loss of the things most most precious to her.

If you're interested in following more miscellaneous snippets of my writing they can be found at raquinn, comment to be added. For mini_wrimo I have the November posts public, but after that it goes to friends only again.

And now for the rest of my day!

writing, miniwrimo, lemyes

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