Talon reitet und fahrt

Oct 27, 2021 19:39

Today was the Topeka auction. Chris was eyeballing a colt by Striker. Striker is the stallion we bid on (well, almost) in March, but he ended up going to Columbia for $21000. This colt had bloodlines that we could breed Talon to down the line and his dam wasn't bad looking either. Chris is a mixture of bummed and relieved he didn't bid on him. He went for $2100 (our max would have been $3000) but eight horses would be a lot, been there, done that. He was a decent looking mover too.

Monday we hooked Talon to the forecart!

Going to try and do this every Monday since I moved Carlyn's horses to another day.

She did well, we just walked, next time we'll try a little trot.

Today Talon went out with Alisa and her gelding Oakley. They both did pretty well. I was laughing at myself as when I pulled in Alisa was warming Oakley up on the lunge and I just pulled up, unloaded my (husband's) snorty six year-old and climbed on. We did some trotting and had a brief canter. My heavens is Talon's canter NICE! I was a little worried she might overtake Oakley and squish him in the narrow track, but she kept pace and it was super enjoyable. She came back nicely as well.

I'll be taking Talon out tomorrow too with another client. If I can get her out twice a week I think we'll be in pretty good shape!

Hana came to pick up Paris and we did a riding lesson before we left. I recorded some of it for her and I also got on for a minute to demo what I was talking about and I think it was pretty productive for both of them. Hana was super pleased, and I think she should be! She got herself a pretty nice young mare. I'm glad it worked out for her to spend a few days to feel her out for Hana.

I made pumpkin rolls Sunday. They are all gone. I think Quentan ate most of them. I think I will be making another round on Halloween.

horses: trippcrest talismans patsy, horses: oakley paint, horses: paris fjord

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