Drei Träume

Oct 19, 2021 06:33

So many dreams last night resulting from broken sleep.

One dealt with screwing up my schedule for today, always fun to have stress dreams.

The other there was a pony being driven by two kids passing by the corner. Thy were having some difficulties and then I noticed they had a trace down. Managed to get them stopped and as we're trying to fix it the poor pony is trembling and throwing a fit and eventually ends up on the ground. I'm going over this harness and it's falling apart and held together by bits of rope twine and tape and I'm telling them "you are not driving this pony and cart home."

The other dream was a weird mix. Sometimes it was fully immersive, we were in the Artic I think and there was ice and caves, very little actual land and it had a bit of an Atlantis vibe like we'd found a lost civilization and we were trying to dodge a leopard seal and there was a monkey eating bats.

And other times we were in a huge house pretending the floor was ice-cold water climbing along the walls and shelves.


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