Es regnet oft und lang

Aug 17, 2021 19:52

We got another inch if rqain last night. I think we are coming up on three times the rainfall we had in the last two monsoon seasons combined. People are starting to complain, but I'm not. We desperately need the rain, every single drop, even if it is obnoxious in some ways.

The property is full of weeds and wild grass. Some of the amaranth is taller than Echo here. Our sheep neighbor has been turning out their flock on Saturdays, may have to turn the herd out there to help eat it down more, it's getting a little wild!

It might rain more tonight. I've had some cancellations, but not too bad. The property is on a slight slope so it drains really well. We end up with some puddles in front of the North gates, but the arenas and backfield are fine. The roundpen gets a bit soggy on the North end, but still workable.

The home turnout is a slopfest other than the sand pile. I love the sand pile, it gives them a little reprieve from the slop and maybe I will do another load in six months or so.

I think I have a sinus infection. Going from the high humidity and heat to the cold, dry house probably has something to do with it.

property, horses: echo, weather

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