Ich war früh und sie waren spät

May 22, 2021 19:33

Today I taught a driving clinic. We had a Belgian, a cob, a medium sized pony, and four minis ranging from halter broke to ADT competitor.

There was one lady with a pair of minis and we talked about how to ger her single harnesses to work for a pair. We long lined them together a bit and talked about how we need them to go before hooking them to a vehicle together. I got to use the new team lines I had Yonie's custom made for me to work with the long lines. They worked great, I love them!

I failed to keep a good eye on the clock and ran terribly over, but we know how to better organize it for next time I think.

It didn't help that the first person to show up other than the guy who organized and was hosting it didn't arrive until almost 30 minutes after our start time.

It seems everyone had a good time and learnes a lot. There's talk of making it a regular thing so we'll see.

I dropped by and worked with Sherry and Rider on some ground work before making a pit stop at Alisa S to try saddles on her new guy. I finally got home about 3pm, what a long day! Did I mention I got up about 4:20am? I'm pretty much ready for bed.

work, driving horses

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