Am tiefsten Meer

Feb 04, 2020 08:30

Last night I dreamed of a dark god who retreated to the depths of the ocean to protect his monster daughter. He had the form of a dark, wraith-like shark with a hammer head whose form shifted slightly and was never quite solid as he moved. His minions or subjects were similar wraith-sharks.

Except his daughter wasn't quite a monster, or she also shifted and changed as the years went on. She was light and fair and had some features like a unicorn.

There was more to it, perhaps a prince professing his love and the daughter changing to live on land instead, but it is getting foggy now with just whisps and suggestions.

Last night we had a freeze. The water buckets are coated in slush. Perfect timing as Zeke was gelded Saturday and this should take out the few flies that were still hanging around. He and Jasper have been in the small turnout together and somehow managed to push the buffer gate shut and lock themselves into the small area between the arena and the larger area of the small turnout. Knuckleheads. I secured the swinging panel this morning, which should prevent a repeat.

horses: jasper, horses: blue phoenix, dreams

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