Arbeit, Arbeit, und mehr Arbeit

Jan 17, 2020 07:08

Dolly the Paint mare is on the schedule for three days a week to advance her driving training. She has had several months off, but the last two weeks have pretty much gotten her where we left off.

She is cute and pretty sweet. She didn't like things touching her sides, but we've mostly worked through that.

image Click to view

Chroi came in the day of the draft show so we are nearing the end of week two for her as well. I've found the spots we need to work on. I would call them holes, but the issues were caused by the wreck, not for lack of prior training.

Julie M., one of the three or four other trustworthy driving trainers in the state, had Chroi for a couple months. She even had Chroi in the cart once or twice, but Chroi never quite settled at Julie's place and since Julie apparently doesn't work on Saturdays Hana coming out and watching and eventually working with Julie and Chroi wasn't working out as Hana (and I) had initially hoped. Julie is half the distance I am from Hana and has possibly triple the years in experience. Hana likes some of the things that Julie was doing, but some of the management things (in their stalls unless working for example) weren't doing Chroi any favors and she ended up with hives.

She still has the hives, but they seem a bit reduced and the vet will be out tomorrow to have a closer look.

Anyway, we've been working on Chroi's sensitivity to things around her haunches and things behind her making noise. We started with just dragging the rope traces over ground poles and built up to today where I had her walk the false shafts over the same ground poles. She had a major butt tuck the first time, but her response moderated each time.

I got my small tire back from Cindy so I will drag that over today and keep chipping away. If she does well this morning and Sarurday to start I think I will go ahead and hook her.

I've been taking video with the GoPro, but haven't had time to edit it down yet.

horse training, horses: dolly, horses: chroi

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