Ich reite mit Tru-D

Apr 03, 2019 21:57

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Tru-D had her first ride at the property. It was preceeded by a fair amount of lungeing at the trot and canter. I was initially planning on cantering, but she was rubber-necking good enough for me to settle for some nice little trot sets and calling it good. I love her trot and can't wait to really feel her canter. If I can manage this weekly she should chill out and be able to progress forward.

She has gotten out on trail the last couple weeks and will again Friday. I'm excited to be making a good trail horse out of her. She still has some nerves, but is nicely forward and swinging in her walk and I don't feel like I have to lunge or lead her before swinging on.

She turns 5 on the 12th and I am hoping by the end of the year to have her reasonably solid walk, trot, canter under saddle and be able to let my more advanced students on her so she can earn her keep and possibly lighten Kash and Kitt's loads.

horses: video, horses: tru-d

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