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Jan 21, 2019 21:19

Coors had his first hook Friday. Christy followed me home after we worked with her mare Dolly.

For the first hook I long lined him while she rolled and bounced the cart around with no issues on his part.

We hooked and adjusted the harness and then Christy had the lunge line while I stepped in and out of the cart a couple times before committing to sitting down in it.

I asked him to back a couple steps and off we went at a sedate walk.

We changed directions twice and called it a day.

Saturday I bounced the cart around him while tied before hooking a bit more efficiently (goes faster when you're not second-guessing fit) and Christy had the line again as we headed aroud the ring. A pass in each direction and then I felt out his trot, no problem.

We unbuckled the line and Christy shot this video with my phone.

image Click to view

Cindy is pretty ecstatic, which is great! She comes out Wednesday. We're probably looking at four more weeks to hopefully get us around 20 or so hooks before he goes home and then I'll work more with him and her up there.

Chris took a picture while I drove him today. I hooked him straight up and away we went. We did a full lap trotting both ways and I believe he is ready to hit the property.

Christy and Kadriya both plan on coming out to be extra hands on his first go out there tomorrow.

Cindy doesn't want to send Trinket off for training, we'll just work her up there with Coors, fine by me. I have two people I need to contact about bringing their horses in and getting that lined up.

horses: video, horses: pictures, driving horses, horses: coors, horse training

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