Chrois letzten Fahrt

Sep 15, 2018 21:39

Chroi is home with her people and Hana has gotten in four or five drives now, plus a ride. Hana is very pleased with where her mare is at and I can pat myself on the back for a job well done. She had her little hiccups, but she came through it beautifully. I was at the point where I could be picky about how she was moving and start improving her way of going.

Cindy wants to send hers down for two weeks at a time, swapping them back and forth while we work with the other one and Cindy and Gypsy at home (so she can up her driving skills). We just need to pick a date, really. I wanted to give the boarder area a little time to air (and me a little break).

Lessons are really turning up. I will be pretty busy this winter by the looks of it. I have more and more clients with their own horses and more driving clients as well. It helps to be one of three driving trainers in a 60 mile radius.

Speaking of driving lessons. I need to call Dana and see if I can set up some lessons on driving pairs! It may not be regularly, but I want to learn more about getting them started, how to set up the lines, and working with the breastcollar harnesses.

Chroi's last two drives.

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I was solo for the last two so Chris and the boys hung out in the truck and watched while we worked.

horses: video, driving horses, horses: chroi

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