Ich reite meiner wilder Pferd!

Aug 28, 2018 21:17

I had my first lesson on Kash in almost six years Monday. I hauled him over to Kristen's for a lesson with Carrie. Kitt was a little tender Friday and I wanted to give her a bit longer to toughen back up before I put her through her paces. She didn't grow much sole this rotation (a lot of toe). I've upped her biotin supplement and did some painting with the Rickens # 1 the last couple days. She was better today under a student, especially once she warmed up a bit.

Back to Kash!

He hollered when we pulled in, but was otherwise quiet. He was very aware of being in a completely new place, but he actually did quite fantastic and kept his thinking brain even if his little ears were occasionally laser-focused on other things.

He was a lot quicker off my leg than I was expecting, especially since it is mostly students riding him now. The leg yield was pretty good, but our main focus became an opening rein in order to help him seek the contact. The idea being as I pick up the rein he arches into the contact rather than lifting or sucking in. Typically his head came up more than out. I thankfully never got him into the habit of curling behind the vertical. It didn't take long for him to get it at the walk and then work it at the trot. He had a brief break into the canter, but it was in a "cantering is easier" mode rather than running off and being silly.

Both Kristen and Carrie thought he was pretty cute (Kristen has done body work on him, hut not actually seen him go) and Kristen and I swapped "first Arab" stories, except hers was a completely unbroke three year-old and Kash was not quite greenbroke and six.

I think I may swap between Kash and Kitt now that I know he isn't going to be "typical Arab" there. He really has settled at twenty-one!

In other news Chroi got to work on the property again. Sam helped out by rolling the cart over as I long lined Chroi. We stashed it in the storage container and I'll pop a lock on it in the morning.

Chroi just had the warm-up from the walk over and we hooked her up in the open (she only crept a little bit at not quite a snail's pace). I climbed in first and Sam was on the long line to start before Chroi was deemed good and had her first pull with two people.

She did fantastic enough that we went over a little hill and even got a good 100 feet of trot out of her. She still sucks back out of it a little, but I think3nif Hana can get the cart balanced better it won't be an issue. As it was I pulled a Bud and leaned forward enough to weigh the shaft loops so they wouldn't bounce and while not ideal it helped.

No video this time, but hopefully Thursday! Hana will be back up Saturday to drive Chroi with me and then Chroi goes home next week. The time flies!

kitt, training, driving horses, horses: chroi, kash

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