Lass das Baby schlafen.

Dec 09, 2017 20:44

I was running around today doing all the lessons and the boys helped me sprinkle and drag the arena. I didn't make time to ice Tru-D's foot.

Kevin trimmed her up and said everything felt good. I went to at least put liniment on this evening after I fed the herd and she blew me off and ran around (perfectly sound) and generally being a stink. She finally stopped and when I rubbed down her foot she looked at me like "that's it?" Yes, that's it. Looks like I need to catch her at random while she's loose with the herd. She's fine getting caught in her stall, of course.

Mac downed the whole 30 gallons he had yesterday almost overnight. There might have been 2-3 gallons left. I gave him about the same today. Tomorrow he'll be dropped to the 15 gallon bucket instead of the 40 and the goal is to work him down to filling it once a day.

I'm feeding the neighbor's goats and chickens. The boys helped this afternoon, meaning they played on the jungle gym playset thing they have while I fed and checked the animals' water buckets.

Jasper is coming along. He did better for Kevin trimming him this week. I think I mentioned I lead him around the house and we worked on his fear of the tarped hay piles.

Chris mucked the other day and he did everything except for Chewy and Charm-N's stalls ... do you want to know why?

Yep, sprawled Belgian baby in the way.

horses: jasper, horses: tru-d, horses: pictures, horses: mclintock

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