Macs Augen

Dec 04, 2017 21:07

Mac was going to be dropped off today and have eye surgery tomorrow to take care of the (most likely cancerous) growths on his left third eyelid and right cornea. We did some bloodwork and results came back Friday. The vet called me and left a message. The only reason I didn't answer was it was a "restricted" number. I called the office right back after checking the message and supposedly he was going to call again. Fast forward to today and I Chris had the trailer hooked up and I called ahead. The office said the vet was sick. He was going to call me and the bloodwork said we should probably hold off on the surgery.

I gave them my email and asked for a copy of the bloodwork (still haven't gotten it). I also haven't heard from the vet, but if he's puking his brains out I assume he isn't in a state of mind to talk about bloodwork results. I'll be calling and pestering them tomrrow until I get some information.

Fingers crossed he just has some bladder or kidney infection we can treat with antibiotics. Worst case scenario (whatever it may be) we have to say bye to Mac. If it is something fixable but out of budget we may offer him out to someone with the understanding that he has at least a $1500 eye surgery ontop of whatever his other issue is attached to him.

It's driving me nuts that I haven't heard anything solid other than it's bad enough to postpone the eye procedure.

horses: mclintock

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