May 17, 2016 21:25

Of course when I get the high-quality scan back I'll be posting a much better quality image and detail shots (these all have been taken with my phone).

Halters and the harness begun! Wendy wanted a traditional Norwegian harness, which required quite the digging and research to find adequate references for. They're pretty cool, similar to a D-Ring style harness and adjustable wood hames (these obviously painted black). The halters are a nod to the little wooden horses, the most popular being the Swedish Dala.

And then there were two harnesses!

The baby has a halter too. No wild free ponies here.

Shiny bits on Harness #1

Harnesses shaded and all! But wait, there's more. Wendy wanted some piping.

So there is some yellow and red piping framing some bits. Nice close-up of the grey dun.

And the white dun too!

I am very happy it is finished and pleased with the results. There are things that I could do still, but that's okay. I definitely learned how to paint better and maybe ... MAYBE I might be able to paint in acrylic productively without going nuts. I mean, I managed to make it through an 18x36" commissioned painting without going nuts so I guess I'm saying I might break out the acrylics for pleasure instead of just compulsory. Maybe.

Tomorrow to the printers so that it can be scanned and made into posters.

horses, art, nfhr, commissions

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