Heute male ich ein Pferd

Mar 30, 2016 21:23

I had started with the intention of working on the chuckwagon, but as I mixed the paint a good color for the brown dun showed up so I went for it.

I started out just defining the overall shape after having run over it while doing the background. I actually sketched lightly with some watered down paint first, but didn't take a picture then.

Next step was coming back with some green to clean up where it got a little messy. I also added the first little bit of shading, though it was a bit on the purple side.

More shading with a more subdued color plus starting the markings.

And then I zoned into it and didn't take another picture until it was done, sans tack. I think the angle on this one was odd because it doesn't look this weird in the next picture.

In context with the rest of the painting.

art, pictures, nfhr

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