Miniwrimo Tag drei

Nov 03, 2015 21:51

Goal: 100
Words: 292

Notes: The official induction ceremony for the Brotherhood of the Mime is the beginning of the second term. Their time away on break is a test to see if they will keep it secret or abuse their new knowledge. The fire occurs after the induction ceremony. Someone was pissed off Mishor actually went through with admitting Sray into the order.

The carriage slowed, the horses' hooves picking up a softer sound and slower rhythm as they dropped to a walk. Elima and Kirren were both sound asleep, propped upon each other. Sray looked anxiously out the window. Almost home, soon she would be in her own bed again and safe amongst her family. No more prying eyes, disapproving looks, or insufferable, childish bullies. She looked back at Elima and Kirren, they were okay. She might actually miss Kem before she has to go back, as insufferably nosy and talkative as the girl was. Sray may have actually made her first real friend since moving to Jon.

The driver called to his team and the carriage came to an abrupt halt. Sray stood up as Kirren and Elima straightened and rubbed their eyes.

"See you in two weeks," Sray bid farewell. Her bag was handed won and she hugged it in front of her and started walking as the carriage moved off to its last two stops.

The familiar walk down the drive seemed longer than it used to be. The house looked lonely nestled between the fields of cut hay.

"Sray!" Janef bolted down the lane. "You're home! You're finally home!" Sray barely had the time to set down her bag before Janef latched onto her in a suffocating hug.

Sray staggered backwards and laughed. "I missed you too, ".

writing, miniwrimo

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