Internet, this is your chance to talk me down from killing off Bothari. (It was very unexpected and also very flattering that Petya won the poll, but I'm currently more confident in being able to do the other one as a one-off with a workable plot and can give me lots of words very quickly, although who knows, I've been in a "I hate everything I'm
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I'm thinking about doing Camp NaNoWriMo, since my plans to do actual-NaNo last year got derailed by RL. Tell me what to write? (The options are Vorkosigan because that's what's been playing in my head and I feel sort-of-confident could be done as one fic with an actual plotline. Am totally open to other fandoms/ideas).
So, my plans of doing nanowrimo this year have possibly been foiled by RL, in that it looks like I will be moving in November! So that's my "get out of 50K" pass for if I don't win, BUT
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So, unless things change, by which I mean I get an amazing bunny or something, I'm not planning on doing NaNoWriMo this year.
The thing is, on the one hand: 'you won last year, what do you mean you're not going to try again it this year? Haven't you ever heard of momentum?' But the other hand is: 'hey, remember how you won NaNo last year? Whatever
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Okay, so, actually, the series is about The Tragedy Of Gregor Vorbarra. It all starts with how His Father Had To Die So He Could Live and then we get his TRAUMA and also the first taste of who he is and all, and then he's still a scared kid but with HOLY SHIT POWER OF LIFE AND DEATH and all that, and then he runs the fuck away from it all, quite
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