Dec 12, 2009 23:31
from: Casey Walker
to: laura wuestner
date: Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 11:24 PM
subject: Re: hey there!
Laura, watch out: this email just became EPIC, in the original sense of the meaning: long as fuck.
You might need some advil before you start this thing. Just a warning.
To start off, here is my conclusion about your sister: that whole 'life-and-death' situation, combined with a great boyfriend, has been huge. I'm really glad that she's been able to be such a calming influence, etc, and even an internet provider. :) Yay for being home, boring as it may be. Better boring than hysterical. Soon everyone will be on break, anyway, and you'll get to see friends, which is legit; you must say hi for me. I am living vicariously through you. Eat more mexican food!
Right. Having just mentioned vicarious living, let's move onto the next topic in full, loving detail. Here's how the termination of the houseshare went down...
However! Before I begain, may I please make a no-murdering rule? If you and Natto had to kill Dr. Oniru (Teneal) and Bella, I don't think that anyone would care too much, but if you're on a murder spree you might as well get Kenny too, as he also is quite deserving. But, killing a Japanese pastor-in-training might cause you problems with the government. So no knifing bitches up please. ;)
I'll start with a reminder of why my housemates are crazy. Here is what happened this afternoon. I was out of the shower and not fully dressed yet (blowdrying my hair was the priority at the time) when the phone started ringing. It was the realtor -- I had to answer. But to speak on the phone in a place where they could hear would be offensive, so, holding up my towel, I gathered all of my clothes in the crook of my arm (again, leaving them down in the bathroom on the counter for a few minutes would be terribly offensive). I literally stumble into my room - I only have so many hands and I actually need to use some to keep myself from being soaking wet and naked. Just as I made it to my room - speaking in Japanese, meanwhile - and dropped my bundle of laundry onto the bed, the yelling begins.
"WHAT THE HELL" (cue: sound of something heavy being thrown) "YOU LEFT THE HAIR DRYER PLUGGED IN AND ON THE SINK" (cue: sound of loud clatter) "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, YOU Blah Blah blah blah". Meanwhile, I was still on the phone trying to concentrate in Japanese, because after all, I was having a conversation that was actually important. The realtor had to start over after I lost my place completely. Oh, and a few minutes later, I peeked down the hall and found the hair dryer lying across several of the stairs, looking very distressed and slightly damaged from being thrown up our staircase.
Bella was clearly hysterical. Living with hysterical people is just not a good thing to do. As you can see, though, I was already on the phone with a realtor, so it seems I had the right idea anyway. That is because of what went down on Thursday night.
Before midnight I had come downstairs to make Teneal some cookies as a surprise for her birthday (on Friday). But she was in the kitchen already so I had to kind of meander a little, asking her what she was doing. Without missing a beat, she asked me point blank, "are we going to talk about what happened tuesday?" (the garbage incident of ridiculousness). I answered "Sure, of course" (having learned a long time ago that bringing the topic up on my own never goes over well; she'll just be pissy until she's ready not to be pissy, and who knows when that's going to be).
So, she told me that she was upset about the garbage not being put out by 8 (I was confused on this point, as I have never put the trash out by 8, as I understand the time it needs to be out by is 9). Teneal of course didn't want to hear it, and instead told me about she and Elizabeth not being 'generally hateful people at all', told me that I was vain ("You just seemed focused on your appearance when the house was more important, not your vanity" as if walking to school in cold weather for fifteen minutes with a head that is literally soaking wet is vanity rather than asking for a cold). She also accused me of, essentially, breaking the laws of physics ( "You didn't put out the trash until after NINE." I pointed out to her that it was 8:30 at the latest, as, "Teneal, I was in class at 8:50." "That's impossible" How can you even lie about your class schedule is what I want to know, that would be a really obvious kind of lie). The whole conversation took place in a very calm, measured, even volume. Most of the time I just sat there while she talked about her feelings (she even admitted that "You don't do anything wrong more than other people in the house, you just do it more SPECTACULARLY" and I refrained from explaining that the only spectacular thing about my behavior was the way she interpreted it. It is very difficult to forget to turn off the water heater in a spectacular way for example). I validated her feelings, expressing that I understood why she felt as she did, and that if she felt that way then it made sense for her to become upset. I expressed remorse for making her feel that she was in a difficult situation, and stressed out. Then she told me that after the trash incident, she had decided she didn't want to put up with me living here anymore, and she was the only one who had wanted me there anyway, so she basically asked me to leave. I told her that I understood. And then we talked about something else stupid. At the end of the conversation she flailed before leaving the room, saying "I don't feel like anything has been resolved!". I put the knife down - I'd been chopping onions, impressively without tears- and explained that I would start 'looking into options.'
Amusingly, this afternoon I saw Bella and she confronted me as I was coming down the stairs (all of this is post-hairdryer) and apparently she has talked to Dr. Oniru in the meantime, and discovered that I am in fact leaving the house. It was probably the nicest convesation we've ever had. She told me that it wasn't personal, and she and Teneal even like me as a person, but that there are just some things I need to work out. Or maybe - she even allowed this vaguely - that the only reason there have been problems is simply that we (she and Teneal, and I) do not make compatible roommates. She explains this by saying that she has had to move out of bad situations twice (when in America). I already know that she moved twice last year (apartment, then dormitory) before she came to live at this house. So that's about five places to live in three and a half years due to essentially compatability/livability issues, and not just 'the course of things'. Does the failboat fail or what?
Anyway, like I said before -- options. I have already lined up a look at a place in Mitaka. Since scheduling, I've already kind of out-ruled the place due to security issues (it's on the first floor and there is an entire wall of windows) and price, despite the fact that it is otherwise awesome. There's still five other good places I'm looking into and I plan to talk with the realtor about that when I see them on Monday.
I'm glad to hear that you're definitely a 'go' for doing the apartment-share thing. Thumb up! I've looked into it briefly and I think that we could definitely get some decent-sized places in Ogikubo, etc, for as cheap as 6 man apiece. The main issue I'm concerned about is the minimum-term of a lease (one year vs. 6 months, etc). Worst comes to worst, we can just start rooming together from next December.
Now, some other "drama":
Last night (Friday night) was the 2md christmas ball, and GUESS WHAT, not only did I end up going after all (Matt left a message on my phone telling me to go over), but Natto did not. It was tragic that we couldn't celebrate the advent of our trio's friendship but that is just how these things go sometimes. Anyway, after I finished my Christmas party, I showed up around 9:50, and I couldn't even get my money out to buy some ume-shuu before the graduated '09s -who had come back - all called out my name and bought me a shot of brandy. They were talking to me like everything was still great, though there were definitely a few 2md guys like Fabio who pretty much ignored me while I wandered around in search of the person who asked me to come over in the first place. He saw me first, and pretty much charged through the crowd to grab me and yell "CASEY DAISUKI" etc -- typical drunk matt!!! hahaha! He'd apparently not been having much fun without people he didn't know. And he'd been quite pissy about how the decorations weren't any good, and they'd tried to steal some of his ideas to no avail at all. Oh the woes of Matt. Sarcasm cued and done.
Let's see -- what happened next? -- then some kid I didn't know came up to me and called me Chelsea (i stared at him and was like "no") and he tried kelsey ("") and then he started singing a song that seemed to have the tune of a soccer chant, and it went, i quote, "Chelsea sucks, Chelsea sucks." I don't even know who he was. I think he's associated with 2md in some way or another because he started talking to the girl I was with (Moe, Joey's girlfriend) about her and Joey having taken a class together and blah-blah-blah. He obviously had never even met me before so what the fuck. Matt was so pissed off when he heard about it, but we didnt see the kid for the rest of the night. RIGHT DID YOU HEAR THAT, THE REST OF THE NIGHT.
Matt had decided not to go home on the train and basically told me to stay and party too. I told him I really didn't think that it was a good idea, so he asked Izuru - in a very much "I am senpai, do what I want" sort of way, so of course Izuru said it was no problem, and everyone else was being pretty nice so I figured I'd just hang out for the after-party and leave. Then while we were downstairs - there was actually an after-party show with dance routines and stuff - Matt decided to set up two futons for us and I just figured why the fuck not? It was past 1, anyway.
So after the after-party, things calmed down a lot, I'm tipsy but whatever, so is Matt, again, whatever. We go to the study room and talk for a while about random shit.
First problem: Matt took off his pants before getting into bed. Okay, frankly, I'm used to that shit in Indonesia so I was just like "what the fuck ever" -- but the problem didn't really come up until Matt decided to leave the room.
Matt basically went traipsing around the dormitory half-naked when everyone knew that me and him were sleeping in the study room on two futons next to each other I mean what the fuck are they going to assume. This is 2md. Am - I - Right?
I know at one point some guys opened the door while I think Matt was in the bathroom or something, and I was laying there half-asleepy and they were saying some stuff about the fact that the door wasn't locked, that I was here, etc. I think they mentioned our favorite persons's name~~~.
And of course that brings us to the inevitable what the fuck about kenny question.
Because that was actually a question.
He had made an appearance before I arrived, and left before I arrived as well -- something for which I am grateful. According to Matt, he had 'something going on with seminary friends' and 'was going to come back later.' As I said to Matt, I can personally vouch for the fact that Kenny will ditch 2MD for a girl, and ignore incoming calls and text messages.
But, I remember that he usually had the decency to be nice about it; making excuses at least for the first few of them. Also, he'd made a promise to come back, and even if he comes back late I've generally found that he will endeavor to keep those promises to 2md. Even though I didn't especially miss him being absent, he fact that he just flat-out ignored his promise to come back is ridiculous and rude.
And besides all of that, even if Kenny was ditching 2md lsat night for no good reason, it doesn't even start to explain why he is kind of ignoring Matt completely. Seriously, not just last night, but for almost a whole freaking month. Completely.
The last time Matt talked to Kenny was when Kenny broke up with me, and Matt called up briefly to tell him to think things over (you were there). Matt has tried to get in touch with him since then, and even asked pointed questions like "Are you coming to 2md tonight for the ball?". Why wouldn't Kenny answer if he was going to the ball? Aren't he and Matt allegedly best friends?? Matt wasn't sure what to think about any of it. I don't blame him. He was pretty upset about it. I don't blame him. He also said that both him and Mottsu-san agree that Kenny was pretty much a douche for breaking up with me. I wonder if there's more than coincidence between a.) the contents of Matt's last phone call to Kenny and b.) the fact that that phone call was the last time that they talked. Even still it doesn't seem like a sufficient reason. We must go back to an earlier point made before this email, that Kenny-logic is another term for making no sense at all.
Anyway I was asked about him twice by various 2md people (Joey and Moe, though seperately). I had to explain that Kenny has class on Saturday mornings, I mean come on, I'm not even his girlfriend and barely even treated as his friend anymore and I have to make excuses for him when he definitely doesn't have any? Making me take the blame is Not Acceptable!
Why the heck do you always leave before things go down at 2md? It makes me sad. You need to come back soon so we can normalize the cycle of insanity.
But as for the ball itself last night, the drama was actually pretty much on low. No toilet paper explosions - no one trying to jump out of the 3rd window this time, or any shit like that. And there were no massive make-out sessions -- creepy stalker chicks -- or strip rock-paper-scissors, at least that I'm aware.
Wait! There was one "repeat": Joey pulled down his pants AGAIN, for absolutely no reason. I think he's trying to prove his masculinity. I just know that it made me scream.
But yeah. That is pretty much all the 'haps' that I have for you.
Hoping you feel a bit more connected to the land of sushi and crazy,