So its been forever since I updated. I have no excuses. Well, that's not strictly true, I have a great many excuses, I'm just not going to use any of them for this.
I'm currently on holiday from work. A near three weeks off. So I spent last week in London visiting
mummyfrances. The time was productively spent completing Baldur's Gate and Simming. We also went to the first, and quite abysmal, meeting of
mummyfrances's uni's LGBT. What can I say about that...
Well, it was organised in the sense of not being. We arrived at the pub to find... no-one. And it remained that way for quite some time. Pretty much giving up we decided to have one drink before we headed back. Some people at the next table were being sort of uni-groupish so we took a chance and asked them if they were the right people. They were. Things went downhill from there.
People pretty much ignored me. The bar had no beer. The conversations were focused on Theology and Feminism. Two topics guaranteed to get people pissed off at me, so I avoided talking about that. One guy was singing the praises of Freud. All in all, bad.
This Friday I, along with
insane_nurse, am going to Popstarz. Should be good, its been an age since I last went out properly, and Popstarz has always been my favourite clubnight.
Um, I spent yesterday sat in a bar with a book getting slowly hammered. Which was nice.
Today the electricity is sporadic as my landlady attempts to change light switches over.
Just before that I had a great night in with
kaliopae, Helena, and Ben to watch the latest two episodes of Heroes. Much alcohol, and I cooked not so much a meal as a vast array of chinese snackables. Was very good, its seems to be a rarity these days for me to have more than a couple of friends around at any time, and it annoys me when my friends don't know each other.
In somewhat antiquated news for Valentines Day I had my traditional Hate The Bastards Night for single and embittered people. Unfortunately people kept cancelling on me. A weeks notice of lack of attendance was fine, twenty minutes was more irritating.
So it was just me and Helena for huge piles of Cottage Pie, wine, and Thelma & Louise. Astonishingly Helena had never seen Thelma & Louise (and that night is really not a good time to try and watch the film, it tends to get sidetracked by the bitching and in some cases snogging). My housemate Garry joined us after a while which was cool. Then Helena and he started making out. In the middle of my Anti-Valentines. Not amused. But then Garry got me stone and I was hung over for two days.
Also I had a lengthy talk with the people in CDEC a couple of weeks ago. Polishing and reorganising my CV, and discussing the best places to look for jobs that sound both interesting and achievable. That's what this week's going to be about. Getting out of fucking Sainsbury's and into something real.
Another thing I'm getting far too interested in is AMVs, House and Heroes ones mostly. I want to start experimenting but need to find a decent movie making program. If anyone has one/knows of a good one, let me know.
Tonight is
Cafe Scientifique, on Maths in the Weirdest Places which should be good. Anyone interested in going should get in touch.
hollowpoint, this means you.
Oh yes, and Heroes has gone on hiatus until the 23rd of April. I'm trying not to chew my own limb off.