JT/Rock Mpreg Fic Part 9

Apr 17, 2012 05:50

Title: Christmas Angels Part 5
Fandom: Crossfire Trail
Pairings: JT/Rock, Barkow/Beau Dorn
Warnings: Mpreg, Slash
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I Own Nothing
Summary: Beau and JT both arrive at the hospital,

"AHHHHHHHH!" Beau screamed as the doctor gave him the epidural. "It's alright Beau, calm down, squeeze your husband's hand." Beau gripped Barkow's hand tighter and screamed again. "OWWWW! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!" Barkow stroked his hair. " breathe honey, It'll all be over soon."

Finally the doctor finished up with the epidural. "Alright..." the doctor said taking out his stefascope. "lets go ahead and check the litttle ones heartbeat." he rubbed the cold gel over Beau's stomach. Beau was in to much pain to notice the icy gel on his belly. The doctor stopped his stefascope in the middle of Beau's stomach.

Then again on his lower stomach, then another time below his belly button, and one more time on the far right side of his baby bump. He removed the stefascope and whispered somthing to the nurse. "alright Beau..." he said turning back around. "were gonna go ahea and do a c-section and get em on out of ya."

Beau's eyes went wide with fear and he quickly shook his head. "No! No I don't want that!" he panicked. "are you sure you still want a natural birth..... cause after your dilated ten centimeters there's no turning back." Beau nodded. "yes I'm sure, I don't wanna be cut open."

"well alright.... guess we'll just wait it out then." The doctor said, checking Beau's birth canal. " well looks like your movin along pretty quick this time, your already dilated six centimeters." Barkow kissed his forehead. " good job, honey." he told him. the nurse walked over to the doctor.

"You've got another pateint doctor." The doctor sighed. "well alright, bring him on in." "Mr.Mullaney...." The nurse called. "...you can bring your wife in now." Rock wheeled JT into the room. "I Want Drugs!" JT shouted. "don't worry love, we'll get you the epidural in just a minute."

Beau's eyes went wide when he saw JT and Rock. "what the hell are you doing here, I thought you were watching our kids!" "Change Of plans, were havin our baby now, well watch your kids later!" JT yelled at him. Rock helped JT into a hospital gown and got him into a bed.

"Alright JT spread your legs apart for me." The doctor told him. JT spread his legs. The doctor checked his birth canal. "alright, your dilated three centimeters, nurse go ahead and get him an epidural." "yes sir." she rushed out of the room and in seconds she was back with the drugs .

"can you sit up for just a minute JT?" the doctor asked him. "I think so." JT said attempting to sit up in bed. "here love let me help you." Rock helped him to sit up and the doctor was able to get the needle into JT's back. "there we go, that should help with the pain."

JT laid back again and Rock sat down in the chair next to his hospital bed. "well, love, now we just gotta wait around awhile and we'll have our baby." JT smiled. But his smile quickly faded when he heard Beau screaming again. Hey was getting sick of Beau's screaming.

"Hey If you dont quit all that screamin I'm gonna come over there and pull that baby out!" Beau laid back after another hard contraction had ended. "Shut Up! I cant help it, It Hurts!" JT actually began to feel bad for him after that. "listen, take longer breaths, it'll help alot, trust me. do'nt breathe so quickly."

Beau frowned, not wanting to listen to JT, but the pain was just to much to handle, so he gave in and did what JT instructed. To his surprise it actually did help alot. "thanks, Langston." he told JT. "your welcome." he replied, sitting up in bed while Rock rubbed his back.

"gosh, what a good time to go into labor huh, right on christmas eve." "I know, what a fun way to spend christmas." Beau griped, groaning as another contraction started. "Ah god! Bruce rub my back, please." "alright, can you sit up?" Beau nodded and with his mother's help he was able to sit up so Barkow could rub his back.

Rock helped JT to lay back after  his contraction had subsided. "god, she hurts." JT complained, rubbing his heavily pregnant belly. Rock put a hand to JT's belly. " Take it easy in there grace, your hurting your mother." JT moaned, and then began to scream, "ahhhhhhhhh!"

Rock frowned and rubed JT's back again. "OH GOD THIS ONES ALOT WORSE THAN JUSTIN WAS!" He yelled. "It's alright love, I've got you, just concentrate on breathing her down." JT calmed down and began his breathing technique again. "your right Rock, I lost my cool there for a second."

He laid back and began to close his eyes. "Love, are you alright?" Rock asked worridly. JT nodded, only half awake now. "I'm fine,... The epidural's just startin to kick in is all." Rock smiled and kissed him. "good, I don't like seein you in so much pain." JT grinned.

" I Love you Rock." he whispered. "I love you to." he told him. suddenly his moaned again and sat up in bed. "rub my back, I'm gettin another contraction." he told Rock. "Alright love,' Rock rubbed JT's back as he labored, JT could feel the baby shifting around inside him, trying to find the right position for birth.

He moaned and wrapped an arm around his stomach. Rock gave him a concerned look and pressed a hand to JT's baby belly. "soon?" he asked him. JT nodded. "very soon. I'd say within three or four hours we'll be holding her....."

On the other side of the curtain Beau was screaming again, louder this time since his contractions were so close together now. " Ahh! God It Hurts!!!" He yelled. Barkow rubbed his back, desperatly trying to ease his lover's pain. " Breathe honey, just keep breathing."

"SHUT UP YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M GOING THROUGH!!!!!" He yelled. Beau knew that the baby was coming out, he could feel it, the head, it was coming now and it wouldn't wait. "Someone Get a Doctor! I Need To Push!" Beau's Mother reached her hand down and tried to dilate him, but the baby's head was already coming out.

"he's right, I can feel her head." Barkow's eyes went wide and he rushed out into the hallway, searching for a doctor. "come on, were the hell is he." Suddenly he heard Beau scream and he became more worried. "Some one Help Us!......" he yelled so that everyone could hear him.

"....My Wife's Having A Baby!!"

rock mullaney, crossfire trail, slash fic, mpreg, christian kane, bruce barkow, jt/rock, jt langston, beau dorn

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