JT/Rock Mpreg Fic Part 9

Apr 15, 2012 23:31

Title: Christmas Angels Part 4
Fandom:Crossfire Trail
Pairings: JT/Rock, Barkow/Beau Dorn
Warnings: Mpreg, Slash
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I Own Nothing!
Summary: Beau goes into labor after three false alarms, and JT and Rock are stuck watching their children.

Jerral and Rebbeca waited up with the children back at the house. Barkow had taken Beau to the hospital almost twelve hours ago and they were starting to get anxcious. They hoped he hadn't gone into labor yet, since he was only eight months along, it would be a month to early if he had the baby now.

Arrow laid asleep on the couch, his head resting on his grandfather's lap, he had been up waiting with them, but he had become to tired to stay up any longer. Rebecca was busy cleaning the house from top to bottom, trying to make things easier for her son. "I wish Beau would have married that boy from Abeliene....

What was his name? Van Cable wasn't it?" Jerral just shook his head. "becky, I wish you wouldn't talk about bruce like that around the children." "I thought you hated him jerral, why are you defending him?" "Becky, I don't hate him, I just don't really agree with him somtimes, now please honey don't talk about him around the kids like that."

" Alright fine, but I don't have to like him." as soon as she said that the door opened and barkow walked in with a very tired looking Beau. Rebecca came rushing in from the kitchen. "honey are you alright?" she asked Beau, hugging him. " I'm fine Ma, I'm just really tired."

Jerral looked up. "what happened?" "it was a false alarm, just pre labor contractions is what the doctor told us." " well, we won't keep ya, your probably tired." " Yeah, I'd better get him on up to bed, you two can sleep in the guest room if you'd like." "alright, thanks."

"your welcome,....come on darling, lets get you to bed." he helped Beau up the stairs to their bedroom. " do you want your night shirt?" he asked Beau. " yeah, just throw it to me." "do you want me to help you?" he asked. " nice try, but I can get dressed by myself."

Barkow grinned. "alright." he agreed, handing Beau his nightshirt. Beau slipped his clothes off and put on his nightshirt. then slipped under the covers. Barkow took his shirt off and got into bed with Beau. He wrapped an arm around him and kissed his mouth. " I love you." he told him. "goodnight......"

A month later...... Barkow and Beau walked through the door after another false labor. "god damnit!" Beau yelled, as Barkow helped him up the stairs. "thats the third time!" he began to cry. Barkow took him into his arms. " Don't cry honey, it's alright." Beau hid his face in barkow's jacket and cried harder.

"I want it out of me!" he cried. Barkow stroked his hair. " It's alright darling, she'll come out soon enough." as soon as the words left his mouth Beau made a low groaning sound and gripped his stomach. " AH! god it's happenin again!" he screamed and dropped to his knees.

Barkow helped him up and then carried him back to the bedroom. "well, no use goin back to the hospital tonight, if these are just more false contractions we'll just stay here." "alright......but bruce.." "yes darling?" " that one felt different,......like it was a real contraction this time."

Barkow kissed his forehead. "I doubt it's real yet honey, your not due for another week yet." "I know but bruce I really think we need to go to the hospital..... now." "Just wait it out darling, they'll stop eventually." he kissed him and laid down next to him. "I love you... good night.".......

four hours later......
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Beau screamed. Barkow was wide awake now, rubbing Beau's back and holding his hand tight. "breathe darling, breathe." "Damit Bruce! I WANT TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!!!" Beau screamed at the top of his lungs. Barkow sighed.

"darling just wait it out, its just those false contractions again. "no it's not!" Beau shouted again, "honey calm down, stress isn't good for the baby." " IM BEARING YOUR GOD DAMN CHILD AND ILL YOU CAN TELL ME IS TO CALM DOWN!......oh my god!" he held his stomach tight and screamed as a sharp pain ripped through him and a large gush of water soaked the sheets around him.

Barkow's mouth dropped open and he just starred for awhile. " bruce..." Beau whimpered. "my water just broke." Barkow lifted beau up into his arms. "I wanna go to the hospital!" he screamed again. "I know darling, were going right now." he rused down the stairs, his heavily pregnant wife in his arms.

"Jerral! Rebecca!" It's time!" he shouted as he rushed outside and helped Beau into the front seat of the buggy. Jerral came outside and hitched the two black stallions to the buggy and rebecca loaded the overnight bags into the back. "Wait here just a minute darling, I'm going to get the children."

He kissed him and ran inside. Arrow was already standing at the door with his suitcase. "Arrow go get in the buggy and hurry." "yes daddy." He ran outside and jumped in the back of the buggy. Barkow meanwhile woke the other children and got their stuff packed. then he rushed them all outside to the buggy and they were on their way.......

Barkow got out of the buggy outside the taggart's house. He knocked on the door until finally Luke opened it. "Mr. Barkow? what are ya doin here its three in the mornin." "Luke I don't have time to explain, Beau's in labor and I need you to watch the kids." "uncle Luke, who's at the door?"

A little boy's voice asked from behind him. "yeah Uncle Luke, who's here?" Luke looked back into the house. "go back to sleep boys I'll wake you up when were ready to go. " He looked back at Barkow. " Mr. Barkow I'm sorry but I can't watch the kids tonight, I'm takin the boy's to go see their grandparents in a couple hours."

Barkow sighed. " well, thanks anyway Luke, I'l see ya next week." "alright, I'm sorry I couldn't help, but ma and pa are expectin us and all." "don't worry bout it luke I understand, I'll see ya later." "alright bye." Barkow snapped the reins and they were off again. "well honey...." he said nervously, "weve only got one other option." He snapped the reins again and headed towards the Crazy Woman Ranch......

JT and Rock were both asleep after a long night of opening christmas gifts and hanging the children's stockings by the fireplace, when suddenly there was a knock at the door. JT started to get up, struggling with his heavily pregnant belly, but Rock stopped him. "don't worry bout it love, I'll get it, you just rest." " alright."

JT laid back down and Rock got out of bed, grabbing a shirt off the dresser and slipping it on, he walked to the door. But when he opened it he was shocked. "What The Hell are you doin here at three in the mornin?!" he asked, tryin not to wake anyone. "look I know it's christmas eve and all, but I need your help."

Barkow begged him. Rock sighed. "what do ya need?" he asked. "look my wife's in labor and I've gotta get him to the hospital,I don't have anyone to watch my kids and I was wonderin if you could." Rock just starred at him for awhile. "why should I help you? give me one good reason."

"Please I'm begging you, Your my last hope." Barkow begged him. Rock sighed. "alright... fine, as long as they'll sleep through the night." "oh thank you, were in your debt." he ran outside and brought the kids to the door. "children be good for Mr. Mullaney, daddy and mommy will see ya real soon okay.?"

"Okay daddy." they all said together. He kissed all his kids goodbye and then ran back to the buggy. He snapped the reins and they were off again. Rock took all the kids inside. " alright kids, you can go sleep in our kids rooms for the night, they've got plenty of extra room."

"yes sir." they all started to walk down the hallway. "Oh and Arrow..." "yes sir?" he asked. " just stay out of my daughters room alright?" "yes sir." Just as rock was getting ready to go back to bed, JT came up behind him and sunk into his arms. "Love,. whats wrong?"

He asked confused. "I thought you were going back to bed." JT got an inpained looked on his face. "Rock...we need to go." he mouthed. " I know love, lets go back to bed." "no Rock, I mean to the hospital." Rock's eyes went wide. "The Hospital?! why?" JT breathed deeply a few times before answering.

"My Water Just Broke...."

(to be continued ^^)

rock mullaney, crossfire trail, slash fic, mpreg, christian kane, bruce barkow, jt/rock, jt langston, beau dorn

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