Who wants to get gay married!?!? That's right, we have finally joined the ranks. And I can finally fake marry my fake facebook fiancee!! (There are already rumblings from the religious community about a referendum to say "gross! make it stop!" this fall, but until then: rainbows for everyone!)
Um, in other news, I kind of love Cupid, but I'm not entirely sure why. I don't think it's really anything special, but I'm seriously enjoying it. Everything I've heard says the original was better, but that shit is hard to find.
I've switched over to my regular work schedule of three 12 hour days, and I think this is going to work just fine. I have to dress and act like an adult for three days, and then I get four days to recover. :) I was thinking about getting a part time job, but guess what? No one's hiring. With any luck, once it gets a little closer to summer and the tourists start appearing, there will be people willing to give me money. Until then, I'm going to spend some time in the school library, talking about books.
And even though I'm a day behind the Red Sox Continuously Updating Canon, I would still like to say: suck it, Joba Chamberlain.