i heart museums

Aug 10, 2006 12:31

Exhibitions I plan on checking out --

"The Quilts of Gee's Bend" at the de Young, SF

"Monet in Normandy" and "Picasso as Book Illustrator" at the Legion of Honor, SF

"California as Muse: The Art of Arthur and Lucia Mathews" at the Oakland Museum -- I learned about these artists in my Arts & Crafts Movement art history course.

Ever since returning to school, I've gotten hooked on museum-going. Well, durr, being an art major means going to museums for reports. But now I actually frequent museum websites to see what is going on.

Here's a tally of museums I've been to since 2005 and the reasons I went -
-de Young - 2 - Hatshepsut in October; International Arts & Crafts Movement in April
-SFMOMA - 1 - the 1906 Earthquake perspective in March
-Berkeley Art Museum - 1 - exhibition on three California photographers - I remember Larry Sultan's work the most. He photographed porn movie sets in San Fernando Valley.
-San Jose Museum of Art - 3 - "Brides of Frankenstein" in October; "Listening Post" twice in May.
-Portland Museum of Art - 1 - we were on vacation. - The European art wing, the British silver room, and the Greene & Greene stained glass windows = WHOA!
-Royal BC Museum in Victoria - 1 - we were on vacation. - It is easy to get lost in that museum. The 20th C perspective was spectacular.

I really want to go to the LA County Museum to check out their extensive collection of Arts & Crafts Movement pieces. If I ever get down to LA, the Gamble House in Pasadena would also be on my to-do list.

One of my current hobbies is driving around the old neighbourhoods in my area to look at bungalows....Oh! That reminds me....One of the many videos we watched in my Arts & Crafts Movement class was California Bungalows. When they focused on Pasadena, that whole segment made my jaw drop. I recognised a lot of those bungalows from when Karen took me on a tour of rich houses in Pasadena. I didn't know those funky mansions were called bungalows!

It's kinda funny how my priorities have shifted from show-going to museum-going. From 2000 to 2005, I was obsessed with going to shows. I even posted show-going tallies on LJ in 2003 and 2004. Then, school happened.
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