Brian and Leina's roadtrip - Entry Six

Jun 16, 2006 03:27

June 12 ---

We got into Port Angeles. From there we drove over to Kingston and rode another auto ferry into Edmonds. The ride was only 30 minutes long. If we didn't ride a ferry, we would have had to drive and drive and drive around a huge body of water and that would have taken who knows how long.

We checked into the same Seattle hostel. We didn't do any sight-seeing because it was so late at night. Brian went on a ride-along with his police officer friend. I just stayed up really late, using the wireless connection in the common room, watching videos on Lemme tell ya, you haven't lived until you've seen Heart's "Nothin' At All" video. And I finally got to see Jane Wiedlin's "Blue Kiss" video in its entirety---that's where I got my inspiration for my pixie look.

June 13 ---

Buh-bye, Seattle.

We stopped in Lacey to check out Brian's friend's house. He had moved out of the Bay Area to get away from the ridiculously high cost of living. His place was really nice.

Hello, Portland.

We stayed at a different hostel. The Northwest location on Glisan Street. The chick at the front desk was rude. But we liked this hostel the best because the room we ended up with was beautifully decorated. The original part of the hostel is in the Victorian-style house. I guess they bought the nearby apartment building and transformed that into the "guesthouse". We got a room in this guesthouse.

For dinner that night, we didn't buy any groceries. Instead, we walked around for a bit and looked for somewhere to eat. We ate at a hip place called Touche that specialised in Italian/Mediterranean food. I had a plate of freshly made fettucine with grated Grana Padano cheese, lemon zest, and cream. So good. Brian had a chicken cutlet and gnocchi dish. We shared tiramisu. As you can tell from the lack of food porn photos, I forgot the camera back at the hostel.

June 14 ---

We went to a bakery for breakfast.

I ordered their chocolate cupcake with cream cheese frosting. Brian had their vanilla cupcake with chocolate buttercream frosting.

omg. sooo friggen delicious.

A friend of Brian's had suggested we check out Powell's main location on Burnside. So we drove over and just drove past it. We weren't in the mood to go look at books.

Then, we stopped at a yarn store. No, it was more like, Leina went to the yarn store, Brian went to the Starbucks across the street.

Knit/Purl in the Downtown District.

I'm posting a pic of the store here because I really truly loved that place. Great customer service. I bought four skeins of really nice sock yarn. I usually don't chat with clerks because I'm a really quiet person, but this lady was so chatty and nice, I couldn't help it.

The rest of the day was just the long arduous drive from Portland to San Jose. I think we left Portland at 12-noon. We got home at 10:30 that night.

When we drove north on this trip, I drove a grand total of 90 minutes because I was being wimpy and I was getting all sleepy.

When we were driving south, I managed to drive us from Eugene on down to Castella, CA in the heavy scary rains. That was a three to four hour drive. I just had the energy to do it. When we stopped in Castella for gas, I hopped back in the driver seat. But after thirty minutes back on the road, I started getting sleepy. So Brian took over from there.

For those who are curious about how much we spent on gas -- Because we drive one of those darned SUVs, Brian estimated we spent at least 300-dollars on fuel.

This trip rocked my socks! :)
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