Of course you. Everyone does.
This is a Romania secret. If you're tired of these stories, you can skip this. However, it's juicy and something I've never told anyone until two days ago. I found a video, told Tim, and have just sent this story to Daniela (who I *think* is Nikki's widow, but I might be wrong.)
This is Nicolae Paduraru (affectionately referred to as Nikki) at about the age I met him. At the time, Nikki was the international president of the TSD.
Here's the secret:
My flight to Romania was long. I stumbled through the airport and noticed a gentleman holding a sign with my name on it. And, of course, it was Nicolae.
And I could have sworn I'd seen him before; that I absolutely knew his face.
I brushed the feeling off, blaming jet lag.
The colloquium went swimmingly. I met many lovely people. I came home with a handful of new words and funny stories. I never, never mentioned that I was sure I recognized Nicolae. As far as I knew, I'd not even seen a picture of him. Even for me, that was a weird thing to say, so I just kept it to myself.
Earlier this week, I found myself missing Nicolae. Knowing that he has given many interviews over the years, I went looking for something on YouTube.
I found this:
"In Search Of ... Dracula" hosted by Leonard Nimoy. Original air date: June 1977. On syndication until the early 1990's.
As a child, I watched the reruns of "In Search Of ..." religiously. I've seen every episode twice. My elementary school didn't start until 9a. Dad and I would watch the History Channel while waiting for my bus, and this was one of the shows on every morning.
In the video link, at the 8:48 mark, you'll see a very, very familiar face.
I had seen Nicolae before, when I was a small child just beginning to learn about the Count and the Viviode. Knowing myself as I do, I would have decided I wanted to be "the man who isn't the priest. He's a real Professor Van Helsing." Of everyone in the show, I'd have picked Nicolae to emulate.
And a decade later, I did, without knowing that I was looking at the first person who made my dream of "growing up to be Professor Van Helsing" real.