30 days of Magical Thinking

Feb 15, 2014 22:21

I got this from Tumblr, and I'll cross post it there too.

"Here’s another “30 Days of ___” meme! The goal of this one is to get people of any experience level thinking creatively about their own unique magical associations and how to use the materials they already have around them. Approach each question like a brainstorming session, and have fun with all the new ideas you get! If you feel moved to post full spell or ritual instructions based on what you come up with, do so! Don’t worry if you get stuck: I could see many of these questions turning into productive conversations. Feel free to answer one question a day, answer them in batches, or reblog this and use it like an ask meme - whatever works for you.

When answering, make sure to title your posts appropriately, link back to this original post, and use the tag “#30 Days of Magic Brainstorming”, so that others can see your responses and answer the questions themselves."

The 30 Questions:

Go to your bathroom, and pick one item or room-specific action and brainstorm about its magical uses.

Item: Facewash / washing my face
I know many faiths have a morning ritual of washing the face and hands in the morning and evening. I like the idea of working an old tradition into a modern accepted form of daily health.
To boot, my current wash has Clary Sage in it. It's properties include: clearing the eyes and calming the spirit. As a person who is naturally anxious in crowds, using a calming herb to open and close my day seems like a good practical idea.
In a magical way, "cleanliness is close to godliness." Using a simple action - washing - as a ritual act to open and close my day in a magical way is very appealing.

30 days of magic brainstorming

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