Sep 02, 2008 20:12
Before today I planned to have Buddy cremated once he went. But, while searching for a place to have it done today, I realized that spending the money for that wouldn't do anything. Buddy would still be dead and having his ashes would just give me one more material thing to cart around with me all the time. Everything that made Buddy who he was exited the body when he died, if not before. So, instead I just called the local animal shelter. They came to the hotel and removed the body in a doggie kennel so we wouldn't have to carry the corpse through the halls for all to see. There was no charge. Then, I spent the money it would have cost to cremate him privately donating to a couple of yorkshire terrier rescue groups in Buddy's memory. That seemed more practical.
I miss not having a dog. I won't get another for a long time--probably not until I'm done with the PhD work and able to get a large dog. But it's weird. I've had Buddy for so long. Tim, Rook, and I went for a walk this afternoon and when we got back to the room it was strange not to check on Buddy. It's strange to only fill one pet dish at mealtimes. I miss the way he felt in my arms when I carried him around. I miss him cuddling next to me while I read or watch tv. But, to be fair, it's been awhile since he was healthy enough to get up on the bed--so I miss his youthful self.
We all tossed coins into a fountain today. I spent my wish hoping Buddy found peace. I believe he has. But I still miss him. I miss the way it smelled right between his ears after a bath. I miss the velvety feel of his ears. I miss the snorty sound he'd make when something irked him. I miss the way he'd wag when Red Hot Chili Peppers songs came on. At meals today I keep missing him begging for handouts since I spoiled him so much.
I'm 26. I've had Buddy in my life since 11. It'll take awhile to get used to his absence.