My boyfriend said he loved me last night

Feb 15, 2020 11:11

we went out to dinner at a pub he hadnt eaten at before, i paid for loaded fries and he paid for my meal and his, the food took 40 minuets and then they relies they didnt have our order in the orders, they apologised and brought us free deep fried balls of chess, they were nice, then free drink each, i had apple juice he had beer.

the food was nice, he couldnt finish it all, after it we drove 10 minuets back to bonny hills and went to look at the beach, couldnt really see it but we sat of a bench, he started talking about how he has been thinking about doing something but he didnt know how but so hes just going to do it, i thought he was talking about something he had try to do in the day, like he was trying to cook something new at work and seeing if it would work, so my thoughts where on that and he just said ''i love you''.

and i was so shocked because its so different to what i thought he was going to say, so a laughed randomly, ''ha ha'', i got a bit flustered and said yeah how do you know you love me, he said he doesnt know its just something you feel like yeah i love her.

i had apologised for laughing but he said its ok, i asked how long he had been thinking he loved me and he said it just been on his mind today

''you dont have to say it back''

''how do you know if your in love''

''its just something you feel i guess you wouldn't know because you dont have anything for reference'' i hadnt dated before

'i think i love you like i feel sad when im not near you and im always thinking about you and i cry when we are separating you so that might be love but it could also be obsession so i dont know''

i asked him to say he loved me 2 more times and then he got coy and wouldn't say it more but its ok, i got him to say it more later

i thought about it more and later in bed i said i loved him, i had already felt that i did couple weeks ago, i feel like that when he smiles at me or is cute

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