Day 17: Lunch

Aug 05, 2006 08:51

Havoc gave his nurse a smile before heading strait for the food. He was surprised to see he was the first one here. But that meant no line for food. And that was a good thing in Havoc's mind. He grabbed a tray, piling it with whatever he could, and took a seat facing the entrance so as to see the colonel or Hughes as soon as they came in.

He'd heard on the intercom that there were new patients already. He couldn't help but wonder if any of them were pretty girls. Because he wouldn't mind seeing one of those come in either. He certainly hadn't run into any last night. Lust didn't count. Anymore at least. Havoc idly wondered if he'd see Cliff today. Now that was a guy you could have a good laugh with. Even in a place like this.

Havoc looked down at his plate, wondering what kind of sandwich he'd actually grabbed. Not that it mattered of course. There really wasn't much the lieutenant wouldn't eat. As long as it was actual food of course.
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