Dec 12, 2006 16:34
I have now entered a very scary/exciting/stressful point in my young life. Recently I have made two very big decisions that have thrust me to this point.
1) I will no longer be attending Rochester College. As of winter semester 2007, I will be a going to Saginaw Valley State University. There are many good things about transfering to SVSU: lower tuition, better/more well know education program, having my own 'apartment' in the basement of my great-grandmother's house (aka getting out of my dad's house). but really the most important and influentual reason: Erik. At first I was worried about what other people would think about me transfering to be nearer to him after 'only' dating six months but really I don't give a rat's behind what everyone else thinks. We discussed it and came to the decision as a couple and decided it's what we, or I guess I, should do. I feel great about it and no one can make me feel bad about it.
2) I have also recently decided that while I love music and I love singing and it will always be a part of my life, I do not believe that I am cut out to teach it. Also, I love little kids. So, as of this coming semester, I am a Elementary Education major.
so that's that. My life = crazy.
p.s. I just think that everyone should know that I now tie emily in the number of colleges attended. But hey, at least I didn't drop out. :)