Cincinnati blows

Aug 18, 2005 07:47

I hate this mother fucking stupid city. First off, the weather is hot and muggy. It feels like I am living in an armpit. Secondly, the food is absolutely retarded! Chili here consists of noodles with a ton of cheese and MAYBE some actual "chili" if you are lucky. And finally, playing baseball here bites. There is some kind of twilight zone in effect here because suddenly the brain dead morons on the team look like Ted fucking Williams.

So as not to offend anyone I will not use names. Happy suddenly learned he doesn't have to swing at everything that leaves the pitcher's hand.

Bulbous forehead is taking advantage of this bandbox and his normal routine fly balls to the OF are producing on offense. Without the gun of Juan Pierre in CF to keep him in check he keeps getting more and more annoying after every game where he doesn't have 4K's.

Even Chompers was a beast. I don't think he had 5 hits this MONTH before that game. Something just ain't right here.

Me and Schmidty however can do no right.

If Brett pitches a gem and gets a ton of run support I'll know the end of times is coming
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