May 25, 2006 02:47
Hails from germany. I already forget the name of that beer, but I managed to down "whatever's dark and german" from the bartender. So yes, good for me. Was of course full of freaking drunken marines and nam vets (sad but amazing at the same time. actually not even funny, just amazing).
Anyways here because of two blackouts, first one like 20 minutes, found me and dumped gatorade on me (asses) to wake up up quickly and stickily. I was really freaking confused for like 3 minutes afterwards, with no idea where i was or what was going on. Strange, but I came out of it and then crashed for a few hours. After that next one was 7 hours later after I'd slept for some of the time and that time I could feel my face get hot and tingly and burning, a headache, my arms go numb from the elbows down, and my vision blurred out. So they thought it might be a seizure since apparently I was carried off the roof semi-conscious but unresponsive to verbal or physical interraction - apparently they slapped me around but I didn't care. Well I came back in a hospital to some asshole asking my name over and over and me being like "wtf why do you keep asking" and then realizing he probably wanted an answer. So that was fun. I was said to be all rigid and standing when they found me, clenching my arms and back muscles and biting my jaw, snapping it sometimes. Anyways doctor's ruled out seizures for whatever medical reasons - yay - but sent me to germany anyways to get an EEG to make sure it's not seizures... cause that makes sense. No idea where I'll be going from here or when.
I'm gonna go play chess, later.
holy fuck i wrote a lot last entry, hence most of this is probablyh repeated trash. lolonyounoob.
btwplusps i totally like talking to my bro. he's like, my bro.