May 21, 2006 20:29
New scenery. Be advised. Not going to Habaneeya (sp but who really cares about this country, region, or language?) with my unit as per some blackout/seizure. Not crazy salavating one apparently but I was on post and my face was warm and tingling and hot and burning and buzzing and a headache joined in and then the vision blurred and disappeared. And then some asshole kept asking me my name, and then I realized it was because I wasn't answering at which point I decided he might not be that bad a guy because although I was lying down and confused as fuck, at least he was speaking english (could have been worse right? lol). So now I'm chillin with some very cool nurses (all of whome are female officers which is of course totally strange to an enlisted grunt). But they are friendly and good company. I'm doing fine except for that extended blackout/seizure (they don't know) as well as a shorter one about 7 hours prior - at the end of the last post. I guess the idea was I go to sleep for a few hours and I'd be good. Apparently not so much, although I had felt fine prior so there's not much fault to be found in the Marines. It could also be an "accute state of confusion" which is somehow a medical term. I suppose they've got to be either complicated beyond recognition or vague beyond meaning. At any rate this can apparently be caused by anxiety, dehydration, stress, or randomness. It's widely agreed that I've at least got one of those nailed down. And then punched through the board so there's just some hole in it, like my soul. Point in case. And there goes a nurse with rubber gloves and a pitcher full of piss. But yes, given the possibility of a seizure, my sorry ass has to go to Germany to get an EEG (round 2, fight!). Which apparently is a pretty good place to be a patient, especially an outpatient.
Ha.: You're telling all your friends how great all the army nurses are right?
That's right, especially the night shift ones.
Night shift hooah.
Anyways the problem is that Habaneeyah (it stole an 'h' from 'hooah' because it doesn't need two) is a hot spot - as in there and Fallujah (stealing the second h because the army loses everything) are the two worst places to be in Iraq currently. Firefights every day and such. Spoke breifly of 'firefights' to an enlisted medical guy here, E3 also I believe (where's the cross-service uniformity?) and he asked what I meant by "firefight" which was pretty much awesome. Anyways Germany is allegedly the black hole of our deployment and nobody comes back, meaning I'm there for some ammount of time and then probably go back stateside and just wait for my unit to come back with some HQ element or whatever other gay crap they've got for standby (seriously, the Marines would and undoubtedly have created entire platoons if not companies with a mission statement reading: Stand by; faster).
Well that's all I feel compelled to muster in the realm of parenthesis-infected rants. Have been reading "The Association" by Brent Little, whicfh - WO. thought I lost all of it. Had at least two seconds of deep regret. Point is that book is trash and I'm disgusted with text for the time being. The time being... what the hell kind of phrase is that? The time being what you asshole? The time being this hour, today, until next thursday, the rest of your natural born life? Though I must own that every few chapters I find a word which I simply do not know the meaning of, making an eloquently verbose shitty writer. Maybe he's not that bad, and I just don't like horror novels. Ah this is also starting a book while in the middle of The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas - I rarely even catch the author's name much less remember it - which has been a privilege to read. And also uses words which I do not know. It's alright though because they're written down somewhere (not just in the book you ass) and will be joining the standby platoon until someone references them in a dictionary and supplies me with the definitions. Sounds like that platoon is to the Corps as Germany is to this deployment. That's a metaphor, or similie since I used "as" or "like." Whatever, it's some brilliant literary technique, not just a haphazard (that has to read "hafazard" lol) sentence with some conveniently exotic name. I do suddenly desire to have a boundless vocabulary though. Then again I also desire to shoot fire from my hands, fly, and destory worlds. And scream very loudly, such that all those within miles could know my presence. ...if the fiery brimstone and destruction of their world didn't give it away.
Being around non-marines reminds me of what it's like to be social, as in I see them be social with each other and talk and bullshit and joke and flirt with each other and I am reminded of... oh what's it called, life.
I wonder where this is going to take me as far as the corps is concerned (not that it is). God the parenthesis wth!? ftff idnt.