
Apr 01, 2010 10:33

Happy April fools day!

In France, according to my old French teacher and a few other sources, school children have an awesome way to celebrate All Fools Day. Most French people refer to "April Fools Day" as Poisson d'Avril, "April FIsh," in reference to an old tradition where people would leave rotten fishes in houses until the owner came home to find his house rife with ungodly stank. "Poisson d'Avril" his mischievous neighbors would yell, laughing at the fool.

In modern times this joke seems a little off-color, but the tradition of tom-foolery and fishery remains ripe. School children apparently put paper fishes on the backs of their classmates, and when the unfortunate soul finds his or her fish, everyone must scream, "poisson d'Avril!" From AP French my friend James and I took the tradition to the stately halls of CBA, my old high school. It became quite a blast trying to tag one another with the infamous poisson d'Avril.

Catch of the day: my French teacher, who turned deep red when she found the not-so-innocent paper fish.  


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