i was up at the godawful hour of 9am today. i am not pleased about this. i finally got to see the teaser/trailer for SW Epi III and... ok, lemme say this. it looks hot. but i just don't understand why Lucas removed the feel of realism from the films. it just looks too damned slick, and it bugs me. that said, it's a long long long road to May '05. i really need to work on my patience skills.
talked to Wali last night, and i'm really starting to get a feel for this whole move sitchy-ation. B seems to think that he is under the impression that we will technically be renting rooms from him as opposed to sharing the house. if he is suffering from this delusion, my poor Uncle shall be rudely awakened.
Lana: "i'm excited! are you excited? you should be excited to have me."
Wali: "yeah, actually, i am."
Lana: "good. and i hope you're prepared for the fabulousness that is me. and the drama."
Wali: "oh, what, you're bringing drama?"
Lana: "nah, not drama per se.. but it's gon' be some changes 'round there. you do know this, right."
Wali: "changes?"
Lana: "yes indeed."
Wali: "like what."
Lana: "oh babe. for starters, we're gong to need to add another bathroom."
i mean, DUH. work with me, people! then, he's a trip, right. i called him initially to get the name of his cable company so i can set up an appointment for internet hookup. he got all excited.
Wali: "so i should cancel my AOL, huh?"
Lana: "um... no. the cable modem will be in my room, and i don't have a network, so like, you'll need to keep your own access."
Wali: "oh..."
yeah. it's like that, sir. i mean, c'mon. if you wanted cable internet, then chances are you would have gotten it long before now, yes? exactly. don't try to play the player, man. i was raised in this game. my family forgets that they trained me very well. i done been to the show, and i've seen the strings.
oh, and then, all on the sly, he was trying to find out if we cooked. uh... no. sorry. it's all about take out. he came around pretty fast on that one, though. told me there were a bunch of great restaurants around, and a really good Indian food place. sweet. i forgot to ask if they deliver though. i'm sure there's some delivery service out there. i mean, it would just be wrong if there wasn't.
so it hits me that suddenly my life choices are going to be scrutinized. ugh. i really hope he chills. i'm not an extravagant person, but God knows that i like my perks. i pay for service. that's always been my motto, and i see no reason to change. so long as i can afford it, so long as i still have my savings, so long as i'm still handling my business, i don't want to hear no guff about shit i choose to pay for. sounds defensive; i'm already on the fucking defensive. crap. i just have to remember that i'm grown, and that i don't owe anyone explanations about anything i choose to do.
this is easier said than done. i wonder will i ever stop apologizing for who i am. i need to take a lesson from Michael. fuck 'em if they can't take a joke, right Mike?
James kinda hit me with a 1-2 punch this week. we agreed to chill, and so chill we did. i was so totally over it. and then... BAM out of nowhere, he starts up again. and, i just refuse to believe that he can have that strong an effect on me. with words. it's friggin ridiculous. but you know, turn about is fair play. i ain't no punkette.
today is old school Mikey day.
evendeeper was talking about "Off the Wall" and i got a hankering for "Get on the Floor" which... yeah. the coolest thing about being unemployed? i can blast music as loudly as i want, and none of the neighbors are around to complain.