Jan 07, 2004 13:44
Today's thought is:
An inspiring book, a caring friend, a moment of silence -- all can offer the guidance we seek.
We are learning to seek guidance on how to handle the serious circumstances of our lives. We used to feel we had to figure out everything for ourselves. What a gift it is to seek suggestions from friends we can trust. And hearing others tell how a line in a book gave them a needed answer has become a valuable tool too.
Relying on the silence for our answers, we are less certain at first. We can't always tell if it's our ego directing us rather than our Higher Power. The important thing is that we are looking for help. We are no longer blocked by our need to be self-reliant in all matters.
Guidance is always available. We simply have to know where to look and be willing to hear.
I will look at my problems today as opportunities for intimacy with other people. Problems will free me from isolation.
Bah humbug. You know what bugs me. PEOPLE WHO DON'T RECOGNIZE HISTORY. Especially in music!! It is so unfair for all these damned singers now-a-days to build songs on top of songs on top of songs and it is almost never fucking acknowledged!
Bonnie & Clyde 03. Did Jay-Z ever once acknowledge that Bouncy's bridge is a direct jack from Prince's "If I Was Your Girlfriend"? Nope.
The new Carl Thomas song. I'm not stupid. I recognize the music. It's a late 80s one hit wonder track. Drives me crazy that I DON'T REMEMBER WHO FUCKING MADE IT!! Would it kill them to let us in on the joke?