Ever feel inspired to just do something really crazy? CRAZY crazy, like... get in the car and take off for parts unknown, never to return. Or... drive to TN to visit married friends and do things you KNOW will have no good outcome. I hate it when i get this way. It is so counter-productive.
How come I can't have urges to go on a money diet. How come I don't have urges to become a brain surgeon. Things that would help not hurt me.
I am very very angry right now. Well, anger is nothing new to me, so why is it a newsflash. It's not, really. I'm just writing stuff down.
I worry.
Sometimes, I feel like a caged animal. Trapped and suffocating, and it pisses me off because I'm the one holding the keys.
On an up note... PRINCE -- ya gotta love him.
And.. Michael too, cuz, well.