hilarytheguy Hilary-ous made me.
you see, he doesn't listen to the radio, anymore. (and if i had my druthers, neither would i.) and apparently, he doesn't troll YouTube for supposedly hip hop/rap/r&b vidoes (and i DEFINITELY don't, unless challenged!)
lip gloss. (google had the audacity to correct me. it's not lipgloss, it's lip {space} gloss. perdonez mi!)
this? i'm sorry
mixmaster_mo, i'm SORRY.
the beat is tired. the lyrics?--and nobuddy loves your husband better than me. well, okay, except maybe you.-- those lyrics??? they suck ass.
and then the skit!:
"MAMA!!! i wanna be a Fly Girl!"
"well, then, baby, put on some lip gloss so that the boys will think about how sexy it'll look smeared all over their puny dicks when you give them head, and then they can go forth and label you a slut to all their homies/boys friends, and then your green card into the Video-ho Country is completely assured!"
don't succumb, okay.
just don't.
FIGHT IT! resistance, in this case? it's NOT FUTILE.
the only thing saving this video is the double dutch. because we all know that "the double dutch bus comin' down the street.."
Click to view
i'd also post the lyrics for you--
but really, why?