I think I am going to cry. This letter just came in my email. I think it's important to see what transwomen go through with their families. I wish there was a better, less impactful way to do this, but maybe it's better just to let it be. The letter is printed inits entirety. Only my boy name was altered to "S
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Your faimly has their own issues, but you dont need to make those issues yours. hell you've got enough to cope with i'm sure! If she wants to love you uncondionally and respect the decision (wheter she agrees or not), then great, be a part of my life! if not, then perhaps you dont need them to be such a "large" part of your life.
of course i say this and i've not told my faimly anything yet. I did give a letter to my stepmom after my dad and i argued b/c he wanted to know what was going on in my head...but i dotn know if he read it...it was a bit much though. Alot of thigns I needed to et out, but he doestn need to read. :;Shrugs:: But i've gone through years where i didn't speak to anyone in my family. not b/c we were fueding or anything, but just b/c we didnt' call eachother.
Anyway. Believe this, if you will...God is Love. You've read my journal entry with the word from "the Prophet" (by kahlil gibran) "on Love". God is Love, unconditionall b/c God is the very MEANING of Diversity. You are worth Love b/c you are alive and a being of Divine power, just like everyone else ::winks:: ..i'm still workin on believing in the worth myself, but hey, it's movement!
Yanno, I used to think it would be such a difficult thing to love someone like me... a transperson. But after having a child of my own, I find that that was a very egocentric view. Lennon is my son. My one and ONLY child. If he came up to me and said "mom, I think I'm a girl", or some other shocking news, I wouldn't love him any less for it. In fact, I think It'd make me love him more... knowing that he trusted me enough to share such an intimate detail of his life with me. What an honor that would be!
I suppose this, as with a lot of things in life, is about learning. We learn who our true friends and loved ones are - because they're the ones who, whether or not they even understand, love you still.
thanks, sis. :)
oh and I added you as a friend. welcome to my inner circle, chica!
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