Jan 25, 2004 13:11
Just got back from houston. we had a programming contest there. my team was weston, andrew, and me. basically, we left school b4 7th period on friday, drove down to houston (5 hours), got a hotel, and then went to texas land & cattle to eat. when we got back to the hotel, we hung out until it was time to go to sleep. when we woke up, we went to donut shop, to get some donuts. then ... to the contest. it was 2 hours long, and there were about 50 teams of 1-3 people each. one computer per team. you were given a packet of 24 problems. 8 were easy and worth 2 points, 8 were worth 5 points, and 8 really hard ones were worth 9 points each. you had to complete a program, and send it in via runners. then you would get back either a rejection or acception form, depending on whether your program worked the way they wanted it to. allen took 4 teams. we were one, there was 1 more of sophomores, 1 of juniors, then 1 of seniors (who are crazy good). my team and the senior team both got 4 pts... total.... in 2 hours... the other 2 teams got 6 pts. Weston was actually the one who got all of our teams points. we had him do as many easy ones as he could, while andrew and i worked on the really hard ones. our own strategy pretty much screwed us over. at the end, we had about 10 programs that we had written. if we had spent even 5 minutes on any of them, we could have fixed them, earning us 5 or 9 points, depending. we were on a really crappy laptop, which probably, in itself wasted about 20 of our minutes. however, since this was our first contest, it was just a trial run for us to get kinda the feel for things, and our strategy. we got a better 1 for next time, and we're gunna practice. On the upside though, i got a pretty nice souvenier. As i walking around after the contest, i noticed the ball from a mouse rolling across the floor. i walked back by about 15 minutes later, and it was still there. and every1 was more or less gone, so i picked it up and now its up on my wall. its going to be my good luck charm for the next few contests. anyway. we then stopped by at some diner, and drove back home. getting home at 9:00ish on saturday. that was my weekend.. and another entry.