Jan 12, 2004 23:29
i must say.. the new picture ROCKS!!!
ok, with a new picture, i seem to need a new entry... things that have changed since last time.... i am now the proud owner of a sword!! thats right, im now a samurai. other than that, the break came and went. good times. i need to pick a good story from that, cuz u guys have been missin out on all the great matt stories. hmm... ok,
once upon a time, a few weeks ago, during the break, there was a party. it was at my place w/ all the usual saxaphone people. and kevin... cuz... he's an honorary saxaphone. and shanks.. cuz... i felt like it, and it was my party. jeez, get off my back. anyway, so during the party, we were playing a nice game of football, and some unnamed people decided they didnt want to play.. (cough CAMERON AND DEAN cough).. (i believe the exact quote was "we have 2 xboxes and 2 tv's inside, why the **** are we out here playing sports?!?!") so the rest of us being, clay, kevin, shanks, and me took my paintball gun outside and wandered around for a while looking for things to shoot at in the creek. this may not have been the brightest idea, seeing as i live right on allen heights, and the road was clearly visible. anyway, that was pretty much a failure, but it was fun. so we decided everything was dead here, and we wanted to go to clays house (who lives in fairview) for better hunting grounds. We went inside and told cameron and dean that the party was over. they left, and we went to clays.
after working our way down into his huge creek (extremely deep, and quite steep) (no rhyme intended) (omg that was horrible). anyway, he decided that he wanted to show us his "special place" that he found, and had never gotten a chance to show anyone. we managed to find a crossing to the other side of the creek w/o getting too wet, and began to walk along the narrow mud ledge. it was extremely slippery, and every1 fell in at least once (for kevin, quite a few times) (by the end, he just kinda waded through the water). after about a half hour of scaling the walls and climbing through the dense undergrowth (INCLUDING THORNS!!!!!) (I, btw, was the only one wearing shorts and a t-shirt.... im still really scratched up from those stupid thorns) we finally made it to his little grove. which ended up being about a thousand broken beer bottles, some scrap metal, and a deserted trailor site. It wasnt really worth it. However, after a little bit more walking, we found ourselves on an under construction golf course.
we walked around it for a while. (mind you this whole time i had been carrying my gun, yes, thats right, even when scaling the walls...) then when it started to get dark we walked to the far end course and found ourselves at a dropoff on the creek. there was a barbed wire fence keeping us from it, and even if we got past that, there was an extremely steep mud-cliff immediately behind it. clay managed to make it through, but after brandon nearly cut his neck open on the barbed wire, the rest of us (me kevin and brandon) decided to find another way. after a fight w/ a thorn bush (in which i lost) we made it to the end of the fence and an extremely difficult, yet possible way down into the creek. kevin went down first, and as i was going down, brandon ecstatically pointed to the other side of the creek. In the dim light, i could barely see the outline of a cayote-like figure, sitting w/ its back to us. I pulled up my paintball gun, quietly, looked through the scope, and pop... right square in the back... excellent shot if i do say so myself, (IT WAS SELF-PROTECTION, NOT ANIMAL CRUELTY!!!!!) but surprisingly, it didnt move an inch. we made our way down the creek, and across, then up the other side. after cautiously approaching the cayote, we realised it was just a statue. so we made our way back toward clays house. that was about it for the party. and this entry. more stories next time.