Prison Break
First off: Kellerman/Kravecki wins huge points for rocking out to The Guess Who. "Share the Land" certainly made an amusing backdrop to that tense scene.
Maybe I'll be there to shake your hand
Maybe I'll be there to share the land
That they'll be givin' away
When we all live together
I'm talkin' 'bout together now
Do the music people have a sense of humour? It would seem so.
Next item on the list: Is Nick a bad guy? If he is, I would assume that he's working for The Company and not the VP. (By the way, am I the only one who is a little confused about this whole VP/VP's brother vs. The Company thing? I really need to learn that it is not possible to multi-task if one of the tasks involves watching television and actually following the story.)
LJ, LJ, LJ. You foolish boy. I sure hope your father talks some sense into you. That is, if he ever makes it out your way. (Though I saw that "accident" coming from a mile away, I have to admit that I still sat staring wide-eyed at the television for about thirty seconds after it happened.)
The Kitchen Game. What a great scene. That one dude who was playing had really crazy eyes. Wouldn't want to run into him...ever.
Laundry Cousin is in on the escape plan! (T-Bag's "What is this, the A-train?" made me chuckle.) I'm glad though, because he's fun. He's like PB-Hurley. Also, I was waiting for at least one of those guards to go down for being corrupt. I was hoping it would be Bellick, but Geary works too, especially after he took off with that watch of Westmoreland's.
And speaking of Old Man River, how cute was that C-Note/Westmoreland exchange about Westmoreland's daughter? Very, very sweet.
Michael sticking his fingers down Haywire's throat grossed me out, but, all vomit aside, the Michael/Haywire scenes in this episode were kind of great. Michael is such a salesman.
Also, Robert Knepper is kind of fantastic. Also, Lincoln/Dominic Purcell was extra-hot tonight for some reason. I loved the bit in the van when the guard asked him what he was looking at and he replied, "Everything," and just kept on staring out the window.
This show is really starting to piss me off. Is Aaron dead? Are Evelyn and Amy dead? How could Secretary Heller screw his own daughter over like that? Why is Miles so slimy?
If Martha gets hurt in any way in the next episode I am going to be extremely unhappy. There may be angry-letter-writing.
I'm excited that next week we get to see some tough!Audrey. Glad to see that she makes it too, (at least, it appears that way). Poor thing. I was sitting here wincing watching that blood drip from her arm. Henderson is a bastardio. I want to call Logan a toad, but that would be an insult to toads the world over.
P.S. - What happened to Turtle-Man? [/Santino impersonating Tim Gunn voice]