Do you ever get the feeling that perhaps the universe is trying to communicate?
Incident #1
I (accidentally) killed a beautiful blue dragonfly the other day. Scott was trying to get my attention, but I was too busy being self-involved to notice it sitting there on the sidewalk. It just sat there and let me step on it, and what a horrible crunching noise it made when my foot made contact. I thought I'd stepped on a styrofoam container or some other piece of litter. It was not my most shining moment, I have to say. And now whenever I start in with the self-deprecation Scott just says, "Remember the dragonfly," and I shut my mouth.
When we got home from our walk, I pulled out my symbolism book and learned that, in Native American culture, dragonflies are believed to be souls of the dead. Google produced a few sites on the subject of dragonfly symbolism as well. Apparently they are often depicted in Japanese paintings, "representing new light and joy" (
Source). Oh, and a dead dragonfly symbolizes sad news. Fun. But some good did come out of the whole dragonfly-slaughter experience: I couldn't help but think, when Scott first said it, that Remember the Dragonfly would be an amusing title for a story/book/play. Thus, I am going to try to do something with it and we'll see what happens. So far I've got a main character and a general theme, but little else. My mind isn't in the right place right now for me to be attempting to (successfully) pursue any creative endeavours.
Incident #2
I've been meaning to get into my grandmum's backyard to take pictures for about a month now. I've especially been hoping to get a few shots of the big tree, the one that is the centrepiece of a handful of photos featuring my sister, my cousins, and me, at a very young age. Well, today was Easter dinner, and so I had the chance to get out in the backyard to get some shots of the tree. Unfortunately, as it turns out, the tree was cut down about a week ago. It was dead.
I am fast losing faith in the idea of coincidence.
There were more but these are my favourites and I'd never seen these before. A little grainy because I had to save as JPG and resize. They scanned huge.
The two-disc album, (which is lovely, by the way, in case you hadn't quite got that yet), features the (original) beautiful bare-bones version of "Real Love." I'd never heard it before, and boy did it ever make my heart ache. I can only imagine what Paul, George, and Ringo must have felt, hearing it for the first time when they went to put together the "new" tracks for the Anthology albums.