I've gone and stolen a meme again. This time from
When was the last time you went to the bathroom outside?
A long, looooong time ago.
When was the last time you saw one of your parents?
A little over a week and a half ago.
Which family member do you most resemble?
Some people have said I look like my grandmum on my dadoo's side.
Do you wear cologne/perfume?
Not really. I'm more of a lotion/body spray kind of girl.
Do you wear deodorant?
I do.
Do you clean up nice?
I have no idea.
When was the last time you tripped and fell?
Sometimes when I'm rushing and not paying attention I stumble on my laptop power source cord.
What are you listening to right now?
Working Class Hero - The Definitive Lennon, disc two. Sooooo wonderful.
Have you ever started an uncontrollable fire?
Ha. No.
Ever run out of gas on the road?
No. I'm way too paranoid about running out to let the tank go below a quarter.
Would you rather cut the grass or rake the leaves?
I've never seen the point of raking leaves, to tell you the truth. I mean, what harm are they doing where they are, really? And lawnmowers frighten me.
Your middle name spelled backwards?
What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
Some super short soundless taped-from-the-telly Beatles interview vids. Adorable.
Last time you swam in a pool?
Last summer. It's been too long.
Have you ever been in a school play?
Well, in grade school we did some skits and things for special occasions, but other than that not really.
How many kids do you want?
Right now? Zero. But if I end up changing my mind in the next couple of years, my limit is two.
Type of music you dislike most?
There isn't one particular type I dislike the most. All genres appeal to me in their own way. A good song is a good song.
You registered to vote?
I am.
You have a TV?
Ever prank call anybody?
When I was a little one, I did.
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
Do you have a garden?
One of these days I'll have one.
Bath or Shower, morning or night?
Generally I shower after my workout, so whenever that happens, but on days I don't work out it could be morning or night. Usually if it's in the morning it's a shower, if it's at night it's a bath.
Best movie you've seen in the past two weeks?
Favourite pizza topping?
Peanuts or popcorn?
Have you ever smoked?
apple juice or orange juice?
Give me the OJ.
Favourite chocolate?
I've been trying to cut back.
When was the last time you voted at the polls?
When was the last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
I don't like tomatoes.
Are you a good cook?
I'm all right.
Ever order anything from an infomercial?
Sprite or 7-Up?
Either. And diet. Preferably wiith flavoured vodka.
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work?
Yes. A couple times actually. My favourite was the one with the bowtie.
Ever thrown up in public?
Not that I can recall.
Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love?
I've already got love. Money for a house would be nice.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really.
Who was the last person you visited in a hospital?
My sister.
Did you have a lot of hair as a baby?
What message is on your answering machine?
It's Scott's voice, and he just says whatever it is people generally say in their outgoing messages. I dated a guy once whose family had an outgoing message set to the tune of Trio's "Da Da Da." "As you can see we are not home, aha. So leave a message at the tone, aha" etc. It was hilarious.
What do you think about most?
What a question. I'm going to say music.
Favourite form of travel?
By foot or by bus.