I've been thinking more and more about going back to school lately.
although sometimes I psych myself out and think that I'm feeling this way because most of my friends are still in school.
I've been contemplating counselling and carpentry. heh.
had my first rock climbing sesh of the year with Nadim on thursday. felt freakin GREAT. even though I was seeeeeeeeriously sore the next day.
still looking for more climbing buddies if anyone wants to give it a try. it's sooo fun and ridiculously rewarding when you finally get to the top of a 60 foot wall.
hoping to buy some gear next paycheck or when Nadim gets a job at MEC. freakin 40% discounts!!! niiiiiice.
going to make an appointment to get some ink done aaaaaaasap too. which is definitely exciting. been wanting to get this done for over a year now.
I'm playing one of my last shows with
Lila Rose on friday.
Friday 22 Sep.
Trane Studios (north of Bloor on Bathurst. west siiide)
we're on at 8pm I think
w/ alexa and naima Spoken Word styles all the way from New York.
$5-10 bones
we're also doing something for the last Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington in the afternoon, so if you can't make it Friday, we'll be around on sunday afternoonish. :)
anyway I recently quit the band and I'm just sticking around for these last few shows. I just need to do something different. and I have commitment issues lol.