Jared Fixation

Nov 09, 2006 15:08

I am having incredibly vivid dreams at the moment. Last night I had a lovely dream about Jared Padalecki. We were dancing, waltzing, and he picked me up and carried me around doing the steps. I could feel his lovely big hands holding me up. He smelt nice and his neck was warm and smooth. It was very nice.

I think I have become somewhat fixated on the size of Mr Padalecki. I am blaming this picture (and thus randomalia):

He is so large, he makes Jensen look like a little man. He is so tall and broad and his hands are so large and long and ::flail::

However, this is the picture I think is responsible for the dream basically, because I have spent far too much time looking at it. How far did Jared have to walk behind Dean to get that perspective? Look at their feet. Jared’s feet appear tiny and Jensen’s by comparison are enormous. This picture in trying to make Jared and Jensen look approximately the same size, has made me totally fixated on how large Jared is. ::flail::

pics, spn, jared

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