Lainy here! So, we were wandering around Westwood Boulevard earlier in the week, and later we were talking with someone about how we were in the area, and they were like, oh! did you go to see the cemetary? And we were all, what cemetary? And they said, you didn't go to the cemetary? That's where Marilyn Monroe is buried.
All of LA is like that.
We were exploring earlier in the week, and when we did the LA tour later, the driver was pointing out all these really famous places that we had just strolled right past. That's where Ronald Reagan died. They film LA Ink there. That building was Nakatomi Plaza in Die Hard. That's the house Paris Hilton was arrested in. Frank Sinatra used to party there. Dean Martin used to live there. That's where Marilyn Monroe had her affair with JFK. Notorious BIG was shot on that corner.
It's crazy.
I can see why LA tour buses are so rampant here. There are so many famous places and historical sites, all right around the corner from each other.
Anyhoodle, we hit up Universal Studios yesterday, and much fun was had by all! We hit the gates at 10am, and though we intended to go straight to the tour, we got distracted by the Haunted House of Horrors. It was awesome! A simple walk through building, we nonetheless lost our shit (some more audibly than others) by the amazing setup and live action actors that jumped out and scared us silly. Very cool.
After that, we jumped on the studio tour, and witnessed all the 'secrets' of Hollywood, such as matte paintings, fake buildings, minatures, cgi, etc etc. It was cool, we saw sets for lots of shows/movies/etc, and went on the King Kong 3D ride, which was actually pretty trippy.
From the tour, we headed straight to the rides. Jurassic Park came first! The gates were just like in the movie, and the ride was way fun! We got VERY wet. Soaking, we ran right across the yard to the Mummy Ride, which was simply crazy. Its a roller coaster, in the dark, with nothing but illuminated skellingtons and tombs and you HURL down before jerking to a holt, and then they throw you in reverse, and you DO THE WHOLE THING BACKWARDS. Just as fast. I think I deafened everyone with my screaming. It was crazy fun and super scary.
With our new-found appreciation of life, we headed off in search of food. We were distracted a number of times by shiny merchandise stores, but finally found food at Mel's Diner. Stuffed full of junky fast food, we waddled off to see the Waterworld show, which was suprisingly cool considering the average film it was based on.
Slightly sunburnt, we headed back to the rendevous point to meet up with our driver, getting distracted again along the way by shiny stores (including a Hot Topic!), and a frozen yoghurt outlet. Seriously, soft serve frozen yoghurt is super awesome. Why don't we have it in Australia? We need to fix this.
Today was a lazy day of packing all our shit back up, seeing a movie(The Sorcerer's Apprentice was good fun), and bumming around applying a fine tooth to
the San Diego Comic Con official schedule. So much stuff to see. So little time. We badly need a time turner like, whoa.
We head out of LA tomorrow. Catch you on the flip side!